2024 Agenda

Managing Director, iQuest & Business Post

Towards a harmonised EU landscape for digital health

The roadmap for harmonisation of digital health across Europe is underway. The European Health Data Space (EHDS) intends to provide a trusted and secure cross border digital infrastructure called MyHealth@EU that will connect Member States and will allow individuals to share their health data via access points established by Member States. What is its significance and what are the challenges? Could this initiative be a “gamechanger” for how healthcare is delivered in Europe and how health research is carried out?

Principal Scientific Advisor, former Director responsible for Health Systems, Medical Products and Innovation at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) at the European Commission

Developments in Ireland: Where are we now? Where are we going?

Ireland’s implementation of the EHDS will be a significant milestone in our healthcare journey. With a focus on aligning with EU guidelines, investing in digital infrastructure, engaging stakeholders, and fostering research and innovation, how can we ensure that Ireland can revolutionise healthcare delivery and establish a prominent position in Europe’s healthcare innovation landscape

Professor of Digital Health and Chair in Translational Cancer Genomics, Queen’s University Belfast
Assistant Secretary, Department of Health
Collaboration Lead, EIT Health Ireland-UK
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin

What are the most promising transformative applications of generative AI in healthcare?

Associate Professor, Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, USA
Consultant Physician, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Western Health & Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland
Assistant Director of Information Technology Services, Business Services Organisation (BSO) ITS, Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Trust

Better health outcomes enabled by seamless, safe, secure and connected digital health services that support the health and wellbeing of patients and providers is the vision for Ireland’s health and care system. How do we get there from here?

Health Information Programme Manager, HIQA
Head of Healthcare Consulting, KPMG
CIO & eHealth Director, HSE Southwest
Group Transformation Director, Blackrock Health

STREAM 1: Building the infrastructure for our future digital health system

Organisational Psychologist and Head of Practice for Data & Digital Solutions, The Project Foundry

What are the building blocks for creating a sustainable, patient-centred, efficient healthcare ecosystem?

To see a fully digitised healthcare system you cannot look further than Denmark, a digital health frontrunner, its digital health infrastructure is considered world class. As Ireland embarks on a new digital health strategy, what can we learn from the Danish experience? Henrik, who has been behind the vision and design of their national health portal and is an expert in remote patient monitoring, shares his insights on building critical infrastructure for digital health.

CEO, OTH.io, Denmark

Being a laggard when it comes to digital transformation in healthcare could be to Ireland’s advantage if we grasp the opportunity to do things differently and avoid the same path that’s been trodden by other healthcare systems. If we heed past lessons and adopt innovative new solutions, we have the chance to deliver the step change that’s needed

Digital Health Leader, Professor of Innovation, the Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University
Associate Professor in Business Analytics, Trinity Business School
CEO, Orion Health
Chief Strategy Officer, Bon Secours Health System
Delivery Director, Cyber Transformation, HSE

STREAM 2: AI at the forefront of a new era in healthcare

Entrepreneur & Broadcaster

We’ll hear how AI and robotics are already here and solving real problems in routine healthcare, improving productivity, efficiency, quality of services and outcomes.

Researcher & Entrepreneur, CEO, Labenko, Turkey

We’ll hear about IPPOSI’s Citizens Jury on AI in healthcare, independently selected to focus on social, ethical, legal and practical considerations of increasing the use of AI in healthcare.


Short presentations of real-life AI use cases:

  • Harnessing AI for personalised wellbeing
  • MicroDoc: Admin and productivity gains
  • MeTime: Building Trust and optimising engagement using frictionless user experience
Founder & CEO, Microdoc
Founder, MeTime
Founder & CEO, Dara & Co, Entrepreneurial Lead, Women in AI Ireland
  • AI’s role in changing healthcare delivery
  • Generative AI in healthcare: Legal and operational risks, safety and ethics
  • What are the necessary infrastructure investments needed for scalable AI-enabled solutions?
Associate Professor, Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, USA
Director of the Institute for Discovery, UCD
Consultant Radiologist, Mater Hospital
Clinical Tutor Health Informatics, Course Co-Ordination Digital Health (Micro-Credential), School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD

STREAM 3: Scaling Innovation

Founder & CEO, IntuVu Health, former CEO of The Halocare Group

Fran discusses the HSE’s digital vision, the impact of the new healthcare regions on digital transformation and how we are creating a healthcare system for innovation.

Chief Information Officer, HSE

Eoin and Nicholas discuss their innovative digital health partnership and a new path to help meet the demand to treat serious skin conditions

Group Healthcare Officer, VHI and Consultant Emergency Physician
CEO, AllView Healthcare

Our panel explores the highs and lows of the scaling digital health innovations. Learn from their insights as they discuss the challenges, lessons and successes.

  • What routes to market exist and how do you choose the right one for you
  • Innovate, iterate and integrate: Building the right product
  • Funding strategies in digital health and therapeutics
  • Unifying the DTx ecosystem: how to ensure interoperability and seamless integration of DTx into existing healthcare systems
Founder and Clinical Lead, RediCare Control
Communities Director, ECHAlliance
Founder & CEO, Grit International Female Network
CEO, Tallaght University Hospital (TUH)
Founder & CEO, myPatientSpace

Digital leadership and embedding a digital culture of change

Entrepreneur & Broadcaster
Chief Digital Information Officer and Director General, Department for Work and Pensions, UK, former CIO of the HSE
  • Are we seeing a culture shift in attitudes to and adoption of digital technologies? 
  • How are healthcare leaders fostering a culture of digital innovation? 
  • Real life examples of how collaboration with senior management, staff and patients is key to success
  • Sustainability for smart health: The importance of including sustainability throughout all aspects of digital transformation
Director & Country General Manager, Oracle Health
e-Enabler, Digital Solutions, Change and Innovation Manager, HSE
Chief Digital Information Officer and Director General, Department for Work and Pensions, UK, former CIO of the HSE
Founder & CEO, Wellola

Sponsorship Enquiry

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