Breanndán Casey

Connected Health & Wellbeing Cluster – Education & Outreach Manager, Dundalk Institute of Technology

Breanndán has twenty years ‘economic development’ experience across multiple sectors, including start-up support and foreign direct investment, and roles in the public and private sector. His role at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) is developing a ‘Connected Health and Well-Being’ Cluster as part of Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Regional Technology Cluster Fund’ initiative.

The Connected Heath & Wellbeing (CHW) Cluster was formally launched in November 2021. The aim is to increase collaboration across key stakeholders in the health ecosystem. Current members range from start-ups to technology giants, research centres, healthcare providers, and citizen groups. Recent examples of successful collaborative projects include the creation of the start-up programme in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and the successful application to become Ireland’s only Active and Healthy Ageing ‘Reference Site’

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